SEB Investment Management AB Årsberättelser 2017 - PDF


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Forvaltningen preges av høy aktiv andel og langsiktighet. 2009-03-27 · VINX Index Information: Adjustment of VINX Benchmark Gross and Net Indicies due to dividend in Nordea Bank AB (09/09) Email Print Friendly Share. 27 mars 2009 12h00 HE | Source : Index. Index Product information New composition of the VINX Benchmark Index. The semi-annual review of the VINX Benchmark Index has now been completed.

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2,2 Net interest margin has increased the last few. referensindex under samma tidsperiod var -1,5 procent. • Fondens Prissättning av den nordiska aktiemarknaden– OMX VINX Benchmark Capped 111.10. NOK. Net debt (mill.) 804,879. NOK. Enterprise Value (mill.) 985,839.


Vi jämför fondens utveckling mot ett index bestående av VINX. Benchmark Cap SEK_NI (VINXBCAPSEKNI) 50% och MSCI.

Vinx benchmark net index nok

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Vinx benchmark net index nok

The Fund's performance will be measured against the VINX. Benchmark Net Index NOK (VBNKN). The Investment Manager will follow the Norwegian.

Vinx benchmark net index nok

Opera Software ASA. NO. 2 065. 1,12. 1,12. Offensiv 100 A1. NOK. Andelsklasser med annan valuta än svenska kronor riktar sig enbart till våra utländska marknader. Vi jämför fondens utveckling mot ett index bestående av VINX. Benchmark Cap SEK_NI (VINXBCAPSEKNI) 50% och MSCI. All Country World Index Net 50%.
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NOK 2.00% 302.6m NOK 0.00% Daily 0.00% 118.5316 NOK 0.00% N/A N/A 100 NOK Kristian Tunaal, Leif Eriksrød 31.01.2020 2 (2) VINX Benchmark Cap (NOK) NR MAX SUBSCRIPTION FEE MAX REDEMPTION FEE PERFORMANCE FEE MINIMUM INVEST. NAV CALCULATION NAV FUND SIZE The higher the risk, the longer the recommended investment horizon. MARKET COMMENTS FUND VINX Bench Cap DKK PI 2.08 VINX Bench Cap ISK PI 2.08 VINX Bench NOK PI 2.08 VINX Bench SEK PI 2.07 VINX Bench Cap EUR PI 2.07 VINX Bench DKK PI 2.07 VINX Bench ISK PI 2.07 VINX Bench EUR PI 2.06 OMX NORDIC PR EUR 2.05 OMX NORDIC PR DKK 2.05 OMXNSEKP INDEX 2.05 OMX Nordic All-Share ISK 2.05 BE500 BNK & FIN SERV IX 1.61 STXE 600 Bnk € Pr: 1.47 VINX Benchmark .. VINX Benchmark EUR_PI: VINX Benchmark EUR_PI 124,95 (0,00%) Leita eftir félagi: Veljið gjaldmiðil Mesta hækkun dagsins: Félag Síðast Gja Breyting Br. % Magn Tími Lokun* Frá áram.
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Index info VINXBCAPSEKNI, VINX Benchmark Cap SEK_NI

All indices are calculated in EUR, SEK, NOK, ISK DKK with exception from VINX30 which is only calculated in EUR. Fondens jämförelseindex är VINX Benchmark Cap Net Index. Fonden är lämpligt för privatpersoner och företag som vill ha aktiv förvaltning bland nordiska bolag, och som tolererar fluktuationer som fondinvesteringar medför. Fondens startår: 1991-03-18 Fondens Bolag: Storebrand Fonder FondStorlek: 2748,66 milj NOK benchmark index is to reduce administrative routines and costs due to continuous review of the portfolio and secure tradability of the Index in order for the index to function as an Shares investible benchmark for the investment community. In the second group we find the VINX Benchmark-, Small Cap- and Tradable Indexes.

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The Sub-Fund passively tracks the MSCI World Index (Net Dividends Reinvested) Index. The base date for the VINX Benchmark Index is December 29, 2000, with a base value of 100. 2021-03-12 · Find the latest information on VINX Benchmark Cap NOK_NI (^VINXBCAPNOKNI) including data, charts, related news and more from Yahoo Finance VINXB is revised twice a year to ensure that it offers high investability with low transaction costs. Thus VINXB index is especially attractive for use in investment products and as a comparative index for investors.

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The fund's benchmark index is VINX Benchmark Net Index Capped (NOK). For more information, see the fund's prospectus. VINX 30 (VINX30) VINX Benchmark Cap Net Index EUR (VBCEUN) VINX Benchmark Cap Net Index NOK (VBCNKN) VINX Benchmark Cap Net Index SEK (VBCSKN) VINX Benchmark Cap Price Index EUR (VBCEUP) VINX Benchmark Cap Price Index NOK (VBCNKP) VINX Benchmark Gross Index SEK (VBSKG) VINX Benchmark Net Index NOK (VBNKN) VINX Benchmark Price Index EUR (VBEUP) Save time, increase visits, and nurture relationships with effortless client communications. Confirmations, marketing, reviews, texting, reminders, and more.

Handelsbanken Norden Index Criteria: 1 000: 0,40: SIX SRI Nordic Index NI: DNB Barnefond: 100: 0,40: 20% MSCI World NOK, 80% VINX Benchmark Cap TR NOK: Globale : Minste-innskudd: Årlig kostnad i % Indeksfondet følger: KLP AksjeGlobal Indeks V: 3 000: 0,18: KLP WRLD NOK: DNB Global Indeks: 100: 0,20: MSCI World Index: KLP AksjeGlobal Indeks IV Find the latest information on VINX Benchmark NOK_GI (^VINXBNOKGI) including data, charts, related news and more from Yahoo Finance The main indices include: VINX30 (Tradeable), VINX Benchmark, VINX Benchmark Cap, and VINX (All-share). Sector indices are level 1 and level 2 in the GICS model. All indices are calculated in EUR, SEK, NOK, ISK DKK with exception from VINX30 which is only calculated in EUR. Fondens jämförelseindex är VINX Benchmark Cap Net Index. Fonden är lämpligt för privatpersoner och företag som vill ha aktiv förvaltning bland nordiska bolag, och som tolererar fluktuationer som fondinvesteringar medför. Fondens startår: 1991-03-18 Fondens Bolag: Storebrand Fonder FondStorlek: 2748,66 milj NOK benchmark index is to reduce administrative routines and costs due to continuous review of the portfolio and secure tradability of the Index in order for the index to function as an Shares investible benchmark for the investment community.